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The token endpoint can be used to programmatically request tokens. It supports the passwordauthorization_codeclient_credentialsrefresh_token and token_exchange grant types).


authorization_codeclient_credentialspasswordrefresh_token or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange


code_verifier PKCE proof key

usernameresource owner username (required for password grant type)

passwordresource owner password (required for password grant type)

refresh_tokenthe refresh token (required for refresh_token grant type)


subject_token used for the token_exchange grant type. A base64-encoded access token to be exchanged

Return values

In the case of a successful request HelseID will return the following parameters:

identity_token the Identity Token, as a Base64 encoded JWT, that corresponds to the current user session. This is only returned when using the authorization_code flow.

access_token the Access Token as a Base64 encoded JWT.

token_type the type of token returned. For HelseID this will always be bearer, indicating that the token should be used as a bearer token.

expires_in the number of seconds until the access token expires.

refresh_token the Refresh Token. This is only returned when the user requests a Refresh Token using the offline_access scope or when using the refresh_token flow.

rt_expires_in the number of seconds until the refresh token expires. This value is not part of the standard Token Endpoint flow, but has been added as a convenience for consumers of HelseID.