HelseID requires that all clients authenticate using the private_key_jwt mechanism as described in the OpenID Connect specification.
This document summarizes how a client application should build the client assertion object and what requirements HelseID has for the content.
The structure of a client assertion
A client assertion is a signed JWT (Json Web Token) that is structurally equivalent to any token issued by HelseID. It consists of a header that describes the object, a payload that contains the actual claims and finally a signature made with the clients private key.
The following is an example of a typical client assertion:
When we decode the Base64 encoded values we get the following:
{ "alg": "RS256", "kid": "AE16FAAAAAC3E5998BD19CB895DB95E9", "typ": "JWT" }.{ "sub": "YOUR CLIENT ID", "iat": "1677743803", "jti": "892ba3d44a37411ebc92482234176157", "nbf": 1677743803, "exp": 1677743863, "iss": "YOUR CLIENT ID", "aud": "https://helseid-sts.test.nhn.no/" }.[Signature]
As you can see the client assertion is a standard JWT. The header should contain claims that describe the JWT itself:
alg | The signing algorithm used to create the signature part of the JWT. HelseID only supports asymmetric signing algorithms. |
kid | The Key ID for the key used to create the signature part of the JWT |
typ | The type of object this JWT is. Should be set to “JWT” |
The body of the JWT should contain the following claims:
sub | Subject ID. Should be set to the Client ID of your client |
iat | The time the JWT was issued. Expressed in seconds |
jwt | A unique id for the JWT. A client assertion should only be used once and this value will be used to enforce that rule in the future |
nbf | The earliest time that the JWT can be used. Expressed in seconds |
exp | The last time the JWT can be used. Expressed in seconds. Must be no more than 60 seconds in the future. |
iss | The issuer of the JWT. Should be set to the Client ID of your client |
aud | Audience for the JWT. Should be set to either the url of the HelseID environment your client is calling or the token endpoint of that enviroment. |
The signature of the JWT should be created using an assymetric signing algorithm and must be one of the following: RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, RS384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512. The list of accepter signing algorithms may change in the future, and updated list of accepted algorithms is maintained in the HelseID Security Profile for Clients.